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Re: Battleship Suggestions

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2022 11:38 pm
by Lutes
Way to go Elk :) Great list that''s covered almost everything anyone could think of.

Not sure if these battleships are going to have processed foods for crew to eat however if their missions are extremely long term there might be the requirement for fresh foods to be made available (better for health and morale?). So - vegetation domes and animal compounds and an abbatoir for killing the animals and of course some galleys for preparation of food.

Also - not sure if droid maintenance has been covered expressly in any of the above so droid maintenance bays.

And finally - what about a bar or two for some well earned liquid refreshments :)

Re: Battleship Suggestions

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2022 11:45 pm
by OtherRick
Mech bay! (Give me more uses for my arena mechs and commander rank-- let us do some PVE with our mechs!)
Air lock -- for taking a walk outside.
Central AI Complex (for maintaining/upgrading/updating our AI's to suit the heretofore unknown demands of the core)
Barge docking bay (dock your mining barge for the trip to the core, deploy in arrival. Make sure it's armed to the teeth if you want it to survive in a Code asteroid field!)
Fighter docking/repair bay (for housing and repairing as many Captain's ships as it can fit. Captains can bring more than one ship and store the extras here)
Mining drone management software (reactivate and move drones in sphere/vp/furnace while in the core.)
Contract Opportunity Review Portal Server (CORPS, enables launching of Corporation contract missions from the battlebus. The server collects and analyzes data from available sensors to generate tasks likely to generate payment on return to the Exiled side)
Salvage Drone Bussing Bay (Drones retrieve salvageable wrecks from the immediate system and place them in the bay for salvage. Landable drones scoop up salvageable wrecks from planetary surfaces)
Space suit armory (equip your space suit and rush out the air lock to take on AI boarders on the exterior of the hull, too close for the main guns to be useful)
System of Automated Survey Sending (SASS, sends out a fleet of survey drones at the touch of a button or one at a time (captains preference). Allows the using captain to accomplish survey tasks several at a time (only experience/credit gain) or slowly (for resources and misc).
Beastiary (for collecting wildlife from the Sphere, letting the SNARG interact with them, and eventually bringing creatures back to a Genesis plot)

More to come, I'm sure.

Re: Battleship Suggestions

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 12:08 am
by OtherRick
Ah, I thought of one more "must-have":

Joe's. The Core doesn't use credits, but Joe will still happily offer you a small pittance of credits for any resources you want to trade him. It's more useful than it sounds, as there isn't enough cargo space in the bus to hold a months worth of spoils of war from 50-100 fighters.

Where does Joe store it? The world may never know...

Re: Battleship Suggestions

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2022 10:01 pm
by mropso
Will one be able to expand a battleship once it is built or is it a one off shake and bake like a PM ship. If so, will you be able to build more than one?