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Quality of Life: Strip Ship Button

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 2:42 am
by OtherRick
Simple suggestion, but perhaps harder to implement code-wise: There should be a button in your Ship Loadout screen that removes all equipped weapons, systems, shields, cargo expanders, and reactors.

As someone who changes professional hats often, I find myself frequently switching between Hammer Reactors and Teslas, replacing a pod that gives energy with a reduction matrix, or the like. To do this, I need to remove 5 Loadout items before I can even remove the target reactor or pod. It would be swell to be able to remove all of these things with only one or two button presses instead of more than 10-- could really cut down on navigating in this task for VI players, as well.

Also, it'd be funny to be able to say "Copilot hit the button again."

Your thoughts?

Re: Quality of Life: Strip Ship Button

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2020 10:07 am
by pikolinianita
it is partially implemented - if you change ship to shuttlle and back (UHL required) you'll have empty ship.

Anyway, such button, with subset of those checks, would be quite useful.

Edit: For me most useful would be loadout page only, I keep most of my pods and all specials always in place

Re: Quality of Life: Strip Ship Button

Posted: Wed Aug 05, 2020 3:37 pm
by OtherRick
Thanks for the idea, Piko! I had thought to try switching to a shuttle, but it doesn't always work out. I don't usually have less than 3.5k fuel in my tank, and don't want to jettison the excess into space.