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Mech Bug Update [Static Report]

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:47 am
by Historical Archives
From time to time players log a Bug in the BugTrack system stating an issue with the Mechs.

I'd like to post two reports here, so that I don't have to keep repeating myself and also so the reports are the same for each of you when I push the Bug reporter to this thread.

Currently there are two 'known' issues with the Mech Zones.

1: Mechs can from time to time end up in a situation where they are being attacked whilst wither walking off or simply doing their 3 part routine. They don't appear to see the combat and they are destroyed.

This is known and a by-product of using multiple tickers to control and keep the Zone up-to-date. (trust me its a lot more complicated that you might imagine controlling unlimited mechs all doing their various tasks. The synchronization of the mechs is 'normally' fine but from time to time a ticker will either stall for a few seconds or a player enters, leaves in that 'micro-second' that the tickers system activates.

Either way the result is a mech comes out of step with the others. This is 'normally' fixed on the next ticker pass, BUT if the mech is attacked during that 'missing cycle' its doomed.

I have tried repeatedly to fix this issue but it requires not just the work involved to resolve the issue code wise but an inordinate amount of time to 'Bug Test' it. It's something I have been working on but for the moment sidelined. (read 'Update' below)

Update : 27th June 2012
It is likely that this bug MAY have been vanquished for the more simpler 2 on 1 type scenario, in testing we have seen it work on up to 4 on 1, but only seen it tested to that level once.

If you find the above still occurring please log a bug with the rough time stamp, mech names involved and what you think happend. Please dont log a bug on this unless you intend to follow through with any requests for more info.

2: The mech stop moving and after a period of time (normally 5-15 mins) the Zones close.

These issues are normally due one of two things : The tickers getting 'cease action' commands due to some activity it sees as exploitable. Not necessarily on your part but on the entire mech system. (all sectors)
We have a few players whom seem to think that the mech arena is fair game for attempting to duplicate mechs or artificially exploit their mech. (They would be wrong!)

If the system detects this it overrides the mech tickers (5 of them) and calls a halt. Unfortunately any ongoing combat ect can be caught in the middle and end poorly for one of the mechs.

There is also an ongoing issue of the tickers lagging from time to time (they run every 10 seconds 24 hours a day 7 days a week that's over 300,000 Ticker cycles a week. Imagine refreshing your browser that many times and not having an issue.

The fix for this is simply to log a quick bug telling us the Zones have halted. When we see the bug report we will check for exploitation or stalled tickers and restart the zones.


A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!

Re: Mech Bug Update [Static Report]

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:48 am
by Historical Archives
3: Mech Jumps but is still attacked from afar.

Update : 27th June 2012
We appear to have resolved this issue, certainly where 1 on 1 mech combat is concerned.

If you find the above still occurring please log a bug with the rough time stamp, mech names involved and what you think happened. Please dont log a bug on this unless you intend to follow through with any requests for more info.


A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!