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What Coops said on Project Terran chat, and something in CE...

Posted: Tue Feb 12, 2019 3:05 pm
by Akkamaddi

So, in the Project Terran chat, Coops, you said that you were working on randomized one-use crafting templates. As I understood it, basically, you buy a Magic Box that makes Beep Beep Laser. It says "add all these resources". You dump stuff in the box, wait while it goes *chonka*chonka*chonka*GRIND*grrrr*, and while you are wondering if it's supposed to make that noise, the box falls apart and leaves you with a shiny new Beep Beep Laser.

So... You know all that equipment Bob is cranking out?

Imagine a shop. Just for fun, say the shopkeeper is a lost Zellariate. He was working in his mechanic's shop with his friend Bob, when Bob's pet skunk bit something, things got crazy, and suddenly he's on a Starbase called Fifty One with someone name Jonas helping him.

The shop is aligned with CAMP. You get five daily-rotating sales items, plus more slots for CAMP standing. (Perhaps you can buy up to three more sales slots with CAMP Tokens?) The items sold are crafting drones/pods/schematics, each of which is a single use to make an ADV item. The ADV items are truly randomized, not level locked like found loot. You buy one, but you need crafting and manufacturing skill to use it (and perhaps 50 Drone skill or 100 Device skill?). You drop in the resources, wait an hour, and you get the ADV item.

As was mentioned in the chat, the player should be able to see what is required and the stats of the item that will be made. A player should not "discover" they suddenly need 3000 Cure All to make a level 20 laser.

I think this could be fun.

Re: What Coops said on Project Terran chat, and something in CE...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 3:32 pm
by Coops
I think this could be fun.
/me looks around the room for his trusty blow torch and pliers muttering something about showing the OP what 'fun' really means :)

Seriously though a nice adaptation of my ideas from PT. - LOL, how weird would it be PT feeding off CE and then feeding back in CE (ideas that is) Don't panic folks I'm not about to link the two games in some weird and wonderful way lol.

Be interested in some feedback and padding on this one.


Re: What Coops said on Project Terran chat, and something in CE...

Posted: Sat Feb 16, 2019 10:39 pm
by Akkamaddi
I think it would be a great laugh if some NPC in each wold made a passing reference to a cool galacta-web game they started playing, and the other game is mentioned. I wouldn't draw it out, but it would be a cute Easter Egg.