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Union passenger haulage, Coops Challenge, free Passenger ECO Module

Posted: Mon Nov 19, 2018 6:11 am
by Akkamaddi
Hello, all!

In the past, Union passenger transport has tended to fizzle out. So... let's see if this is a good idea or not.

I've made three each of the player made Passenger ECO Module, and can make more. I'm giving these away for the low low price of ONE SHINY CREDIT to lower level players who want to try Union transport, for the duration of the Coops challenge.

Passenger ECO - Module EM1 : Captain level 10, 1 passenger each grade.
Passenger ECO - Module EM2 : Captain level 25, 3 passengers each grade.
Passenger ECO - Module EM3 : Captain level 38, 5 passengers each grade.

The player made expanders tend to be more energy efficient than the store bought units.

Please contact me here and/or in game (also akkamaddi), and please allow reasonable time for my work schedule, time difference, etc., and let me know which you can use and where to drop it.

There are already tutorials on passenger haulage. It requires a different play strategy, which some players prefer. (It is more of a directional crawl.) Union standing also unlocks some NPC's, so it's good to practice it a bit.

I don't remember Union ever being completed in a Coops Challenge. Can we make Winter '18 the first? :P