Mining Barge Skill Point reset

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Mining Barge Skill Point reset

Post by SpaceBucks »

I am not a happy camper in the mining barge AI skill point system.
Who gets a computer without an owner's manual.
The skill system is not the least bit intuitive and is, therefore, a wasteful pit of ill-placed skill points.
If the AI is not going to help with sill point placement, then there should be a way to use captain skill point resets to reset the mining barge's AI sill points.

Does anyone wish to sound off, or does everyone like making experiments into a black hole?
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Re: Mining Barge Skill Point reset

Post by Elkhorn »

Coops often likes to release things with the hearty "figure it out as you go along" to add an extra element of (pick your adjective here) to the game. I know that several players have discussed the distribution of skill points in chat. I don't know off-hand whether anyone has bothered adding any information to the Wiki or not.
It's frustrating sometimes, that's why I tend to play slower and allow others to forge the paths.
A barge captain reset would be interesting though.
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Re: Mining Barge Skill Point reset

Post by MarcSp »

Unless things change drastically, I don't see any real need for a reset.
Frankly, the barges DID come with an owner's manual - we saw it as Coops post in the forums announcing barges.
It flat out told you to invest in AI Cyber first, then defense/engineering/diplomacy/Ind Mining before the rest.

And it doesn't take much to top out those skills, I had 1000 pts in each before level 6. And pretty much
haven't seen a negative event since then. I've got 25K in Ind mining, 1K in navigation, 15K in AI cyber, and over 10K
in Salvage just at level 13.
The only things left are Industrial Systems and Metallurgy, which don't open till Level 50, so no point in investing points there yet.
So I don't understand the MASSIVE gap from Level 13 to Level 50, thats a LONG jump and I hope Coops has something hidden
in there to keep us all from dying from boredom.
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Re: Mining Barge Skill Point reset

Post by Akkamaddi »

I misspent about 100 points because I didn't read the descriptions well, but I MarkSP is correct. Get your mining up to 101 and defense, engineering and diplomacy up to 501 as soon as you possibly can. You will have a lot of bad experiences until each of the three support skill are at 501, and you want them at 1001 as soon as you can. You just have to accept that level 5 sucks, but by the time you get to level six things begin to stabelize.
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Re: Mining Barge Skill Point reset

Post by SpaceBucks »

I do not think you are understanding the request. I am not talking about getting any individual skill to 100 or 500 points. I do not need a primer. I am pointing out that the Mining Barge scheme has a huge black hole that Coops did not talk about in his primer. I am not happy that I have wasted thousands of points on a fool's errand and would prefer to put them into other skills that matter to my gameplay. Just like we all can do with our own skill points with the reset feature allowance.
Since the AI is basically a computer, why can't we reset it and reallocate the skill points where they will not be wasted. Using the Captain's skill point reset allowance is a fair way to address this issue without having to recreate the wheel.
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Re: Mining Barge Skill Point reset

Post by Coops »

Before this turns slightly Ugly :)

I fully intend to turn my attention to Barges, so fret not those points are not lost. I've been busy with exploits of late and then the weekend was turned over to some Fun for me creating VIP items.

But please - dont worry. I'll see what I can do with a Reset.
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Re: Mining Barge Skill Point reset

Post by Gorkus »

I'm with spacebucks on this one. I have invested quite a lot of skill points into skills that haven't increased. So, it is a waste of points other than the fact that I learned that additional investment was futile. So, I would also like to see a a reset available to better distribute those points once the limits are learned, so to speak.
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