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Rare items loot - what activities?

Posted: Tue Mar 13, 2018 5:19 am
by Sukayo
Hi, fellow pilots!

With the expanded range of rare items possible again here is the question what activities gives you such loot item.

The rare reactors allow you to power the rare cargo expanders, so from level 100 on it becomes very interesting.

No rare loot comes from:
Mining Barge
Corporate Missions
Genesis Missions
Settlement combat
Crew missions
Freight and Passenger transport

Rare loot CAN drop while:
Ship Combat
Ship wreck salvaging
RAID reward
Planet Exploration

Derelict survey, all activities in a derelict

Please add activities when i missed some.

Re: Rare items loot - what activities?

Posted: Tue Jun 05, 2018 1:00 am
by Bloodskye
what is the difference between mining barge and mining? I thought a mining barge was a type of NPC ship

Re: Rare items loot - what activities?

Posted: Wed Jun 06, 2018 2:06 am
by Akkamaddi
Sukayo, I have been hitting derelict exploration heavily since playing more (I WANT that medium docking collar!), and I have not seen any of the newer materials. It has either been "random loot rolls", which use the old table, or the derelict-only materials.

EDIT: Sukayo, can you explain by what you mean by rare loot? I think I misread that. I've found weapons and the usual technobabble tchochkies, so you can find loot, but not the new rare loot (recycled plasteel, processed hermil, etc.).

Bloodskye, check this: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=2361

Yes, there are mining barge category ships in combat. There is also a new feature that is a player-controlled mining barge. It is an investment, but I've been consistently told that the long term rewards are quite good. Mine just hit level two. :D