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334 New Promenade Additions

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2017 2:04 pm
by Coops
Yesterday I reflected on the 131 planets that have been 'fully explored' bt players since we added the ability for Exploring Planets. You can read that post OVER HERE. But it led me to have a check on how many of these newly found planets were actually being 'utilised' as a location for Services and such like.

After much wrangling and wearing my fingers down to the nubs, we now have 334 new Promenade Offices and Services opened across the 'Universe'. I hand moderated each location adding a smattering of offices and services dependant on the Galaxy the planet lived in.

This means you may want to revisit previously barren or near empty promenades, to see if they have anything of interest to you now.

I'm off to apply a bandage to each hand :)
