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Two Changes in October

Posted: Sun Oct 01, 2017 11:59 am
by Coops
After talking with a number of our regular supporters and some of the staff who have had their ear to the ground. It appears the general consensus atm is that players are not spending as they are waiting for a reward that comes only once a year - the Christmas Resource Token.

I'm a little saddened by the fact that adding this item to the game has caused CE support to actually Shrink but human nature is what it is lol.

So to stop you having to 'stop yourself spending' till next month, I've released the reward Early. So From here till the 31st of December any purchase where the cash value is £25 or greater will receive a Christmas Resource Token. This goes to the PURCHASERS account UNLESS stated at the time of purchase.

You will receive a CRT for Each £25 spent. So spend £50 you get 2, spend £75 you get 3 etc. This relates to Cash Value elements of your Sale AFTER discounts

Token Value
During November we will have a Challenge Event to determine the eventual value of a CRT like we did last year. All tokens are added to your account and can be spent during the Month of December.

PIMP Upgrades Removed from Festive Store.
Since their inception Pimp upgrades have been a MASSIVE seller in the festive Store. There is not a day goes by I have to process at least 1 or two of these upgrades. We added these to the store at the same time and priced them as low as we could in the hope to gain some support in that area.

Today I have removed them from the Festive Store. They are now ONLY obtainable through the CE store as a Supporter item. This is another small change that I'm forced to bring about due to the falling level of support. I'm not being mean or vindictive, just moving a much sort after item into a place where it will do CE as a whole the best.
