Corporation schematics?

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Corporation schematics?

Post by Arlentz »

Hi all.

I wondered whether there are schems available for building items like the corporation fusion reactors 1, 2 and 3, or the corporation research facilities Gen1, Gen2 and Gen3, or perhaps the corporation fuel depot or the corporation manufacturing facilities? If any/all of these are available, does anyone know from where/which schem store? I wasn't sure whether corporation items like these could only be bought from the CE store, or whether they could also be crafted.

Thanks for the help/wisdom. :-)

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Re: Corporation schematics?

Post by MarcSp »

The Fuel depot and manufacturing building are store-only purchases.
The research and fusion generators schematics are available from Universal Construction stores.
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Re: Corporation schematics?

Post by Arlentz »

Thanks! That's a huge help. :-) Looks like I'm gonna be visiting the store. LOL That's ok though. This is one of the most unique games I've ever seen. I'm glad to support it, especially since our fearless dev works so hard to make it accessible for visually impaired folks like me. :-D

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Re: Corporation schematics?

Post by MarcSp »

Don't forget, you need to raise your corporation level up to level two for the fuel depot,
and level three for the manufacturing building.

Using a bare minimum setup ( 1 contract office, 1 generator, 1 research-1 building)
this might take a month or more before you level up.
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Re: Corporation schematics?

Post by Arlentz »

Thanks. I actually asked because I'm now on level 3, and so I figured, since I can now use both of these corporation buildings, I needed to get more information. Is it ok to open a separate corp location, where you're having to pay rent, and only having a reactor, a research library, and the guel depot and manufacturing facility? I mean, that second facility is producing corporate benefits such as fuel and knowledge for the corp, but it isn't producing any money. Now, as long as I earn enough money from the rest of the corp to cover all the rent, that sounds fine, but I just feel like I'm missing something. *SHRUG* Logically, I think I've covered all the bases by looking at the corp as a whole, but for some reason my brain doesn't like the idea of a corp facility that isn't producing any money. LOL I suppose I can work on crafting another office for the 5th slot in that location, but I was going to leave that open just in case something else came up that wasn't a corporate money earner, but still benefitted the corporation.

Oh well, if I open a second office, would you all suggest security or salvage? Thanks again for the help/advice. :-)

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Re: Corporation schematics?

Post by MarcSp »

Security or Salvage? Can't say, your preferences I guess.
I have a level 4 corp (about to go to level 5), with a Catlow Hauling and a GSR Mining office.
I find the haulage provides shorter time missions with more credit reward,
whereas the mining office gives longer time frame missions with more resource rewards.
I find most haulage missions run from 30 minutes to 3 hours, while the mining missions
start around 4 hours and run to 7:30 hours.
I suspect security/salvage breaks down in a similar manner.

My main office is in Forge, with a secondary office in Verec-Per. I've got the research facilities,
fuel depot and one contract office located out in VP. Those provide corp-wide benefits so they can
be located anywhere.
You will want the manufacturing office at your main site as you have to dock there to kick off
manufacturing projects. Remember you need a crew member for that building as well.
I've also got all my crew (4) in Forge, because you have to physically dock there to send them
off on missions. However the size of the galaxy limits the missions/rewards, so that needs to be considered too.
Eventually I will put a crew out in VP but I dread having to go out there every day just to send them
on mission. Not the most efficient use of a crew, at least at this level.
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Re: Corporation schematics?

Post by pikolinianita »

Small galaxies can have pluses - missions are ot too long :)

Combat missions are from 2,5h to 4 hours (in sphere, in furnace longer). and reward is nice - small amount of any non-Expanse resources from game (but SMR resources). Which is well over 500. On other hand - cr rewards are low, and repair cost (or use of Corporation EBK) high.

also kind of loot is different - From mining office you get resources you can mine, from Salvage - those you can salvage.
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Re: Corporation schematics?

Post by Arlentz »

Ok, newbie question coming up. Sorry for that. LOL But, I now have a corporate factory, and I've got the level 1 projects available, the 5 different types of ship's engines. So, is it me that provides the resources for these, as in I need to pull them from my stores and send them over to be used, or are they to somehow be gathered by the corporation employees? Should I use my IP points for my corporation staff member on anything besides Manufacturing, so that I'll get the resource cost down? Should I use the IP for Production or maybe Negotiation for any reason? Any other skills for an employee who's primary skill is manufacturing and whose job will be to run my manufacturing unit in the corporation?

I guess I've really got to get serious when it comes to salvage/mining, so that I can get resources to manufacture with?

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Re: Corporation schematics?

Post by MarcSp »

You provide the resources, just bring them over from your main storage to the local corp CS.

As for IP: I do not think putting points into Manufacturing is going to help in any way.
It seems resource reduction depends on their manufacturing SKILL level. That only seems
to increase from successful builds. I don't think putting IP anywhere is going to affect that.
I may be wrong about that but it doesn't seem likely to me.

And I suspect manufacturing is a side occupation, I doubt you can keep a member running
builds full time. My manufacturing specialist spends a lot of time just hauling, in order to level up.
My crew spend their IP on device/reactor to upgrade their reactors and cargo expanders,
with some IP going to weapons/scan tech, with the eventual goal of getting out of marauders
and into some other ship classes.
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