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New Galaxy (Verec-Per)

Posted: Sat Jul 19, 2014 7:36 am
by Coops
As you may or may not be aware the Server was down this Sunday morning for an extra update on top of its normal 10 minute weekly maintenance. This was us adding a whole new Galaxy for you folks to go 'play in'.


500 years ago the Core spanned 1000's of systems across 10 known Galaxies. When the core decided to close it's borders all these non Core systems were left to fend for themselves. The central body governed by Gal-Fed at the time formed the sphere. As we have seen in the past as we uncover more and more of the core technology we also discover how much of a draconian empire they ran!

One such recent discovery made whilst working on the Sharaia Super gate (Expanse) led techs to discover they could boost the gain on all the current known jump gates and they would automatically look for any connecting Jump gates previously unknown to the gate network.

Having done this they discovered that the gates in Bolus and Belus were in fact 'Galactic Gates' and could connect to a previously unknown Galaxy. During the initial data download from the gates the network addresses of all the Verec-per Jump gates was obtained.

As for the Verec-per Galaxy - little is known. Humans cut off from their own government and trade routes, they became divided and no central government exists. Each system is 'Contested'.

What's that mean for You ?
Ashar, Wesbec and many of the central support companies from the Sphere sent emissaries to the Verec-Per Galaxy and have opened offices where they were allowed. The Verecian's have a strong sense of loyalty and honour and seem slow to accept outsiders so it will be a while before other 'well known' business's open in the VP Galaxy.

With a new Galaxy comes a new Map. This one replaces the existing three Sphere, Anvil and the Forge maps with a single Stellar Map. Click the map icon on the footer and you will find the Galaxies at your finger tips. the map is designed to jump to your location once fully loaded.

The map is LARGE and we suggest you let the map fully download before playing with it's locator or dragging it around. Once loaded the first time it should load quickly (browser cache permitting). We have tested it in FF / IE and Safari and found no issues as long as you let the map load fully.

The map has mouse overs for each system giving you dynamic information on those systems and is by far the best mapping system we have created to date. (Big thanks to Prev for his sterling work here).

New Resources, you will find that Verec-Per has more to offer than just more Stores and NPC's it also is rich in new resources. These can be mined and extracted depending on your style and career.

NPC's and new store types are dotted around, although initially you will have to figure out what it is they want before they will talk to you or let you shop in their stores.

Verec-Per brings a number of changes to life in the Sphere and we will leave you to find most of them!

On Behalf of the Dev Team, Have Fun!
