Offical CE Store Sales - Halloween

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Offical CE Store Sales - Halloween

Post by Coops »

October is upon us and with that comes Halloween :) This will mean you will begin to see the Festive Guys out in Halloween Fancy Dress and start locating Halloween items in game loots. These can all be taken to either the Festive Toons for special prizes or handed in at a Festive Centre for Festive Points.

Support Moving Forwards
You can't have failed to have spotted my recent plea's for your support and some of you took that to heart in September and took to the store to show your support. For that we are grateful, but support levels are still way, way way down from their normal levels.

This is a worry issue for myself and Prev as CE has to stand on it's own two feet. We support ourselves these days through external client work but don't have spare funds to cover CE server costs, Advertising and other game related costs.

I would say that support is down to a specific post that I made about a month ago, but that would be silly as simply by removing support for Core-Exiles hurts only one group of people YOU the players of Core-Exiles.

My whiteboard looks like Santa's Grotto at this moment in time, with so many items on it the list is somewhat scary! To think in any shape or form that I will be dropping support for CE is pure poppycock. I've strived for Ten years to bring CE to the masses and keep it afloat through thick and thin, so please don't let rumours and poorly thought out back room discussions bring about the demise of Core-Exiles.

We have a bumper October, November in store and some cool idea for December. So keep the faith, keep on supporting and we will all still be here come 2016!

Change for October
I'm always adding sales on this, sales on that, each month and I thought for a change I'd let you decide what to discount on when you make a purchase. So for October I've created a CE Store discount Coupon. You can use it as MANY times as you like and on ANYTHING you like in the CE Store.



Jot down the code (exactly as written above) and use it on STEP 2 of the check out process in the CE Store. You will see a Discount Coupon Section directly after the 'Your Total' box. This section is for you to add this type of Code.

Enter the code in the box provided and continue with the checkout. The 25% discount will be applied automatically. As usual don't forget in the Captain Box at the bottom of that page to add your Captain name for the item or items to be delivered too.

You can use the Code as many times as you like within the month of October (2015).

Normal Bonus Prize for Store orders (after discount) £5.00 or more :

Festive Bonus Pack (incl fuzzy friend) :)
20 X Festive Tokens
10 X 30% Booster Pack
4 X Festive Points for Every £ spent


I have written a more consice and informative PRIMER for the Christmas Tokens :

Over here : viewtopic.php?f=15&t=1633

Please review the Primer before asking questions :)

So there you have it - Spend £5.00 or more and get a small bumper festive pack, spend over £25.00 and receive a December Resource Token. stash these away till December and splash out on resources hard to find or simply fill your boots in the resources you want the most.

Happy Hunting !


* P.S a reminder on the use of Gift Certificates relating to Bonus Prizes. Read Me
A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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