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Ground combat with victory

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 6:02 pm
by Sukayo
I have done it - at my Expanse settlement.
Settlement Name Date Space Combat Ground Combat
Far Away XX 2015-08-17 09:29:44 Combat Lost Combat Won
If you like to see the combat report, please send a ingame message.

Re: Ground combat with victory

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2015 5:02 pm
by Sukayo
Settlement Name Date Space Combat Ground Combat Review
Far Away XX 2015-09-22 11:10:21 Combat Lost Combat Won

Re: Ground combat with victory

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2015 10:50 pm
by pikolinianita
you are expert in ground Combat now, lol

Re: Ground combat with victory

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2015 6:55 am
by Sparky
I lost one ground fight too with my second set in Anvil.
They definitely are not good events.
They do kick your but if they get through to a set without any ground defence LOL
So don't get too cocky like me and under estimate the baddies!

Re: Ground combat with victory

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 7:58 am
by Sukayo
Attacking Fleet: Long Range scanners picked up the Alien fleet on its approach.

The Alien fleet comprised of the Following vessels
1 Alien Mother Ship, 4 Scientific, 4 Cleric, 21 Warriors, 7 Alien Drop ships.

Initially the Alien Mother Ship stayed well outside weapons range along with its support vessels, whilst the Warriors closed range on the settlement in combat formation.
Orbital Attack: Settlement Offensive hammering away and the gun fire was deafening, yet you could see the settlement HP dial reach zero, you knew it was already to late!

A blast took out the screens in the command bunker. The last thing you heard was the scream of the drop ships as you fell in to unconsciousness.

Morale Affected: -8%
Ground Attack: Fortunately for you the Aliens had underestimated the force and numbers of your ground support. They dropped their combat ships several 100 meters from the perimeter of your base and were immediately met by your ground support weapons.

Needless to say those that landed did not get a chance to leave! Whilst it may seem like a victory the settlement paid a heavy price today.

Talas Taken : 0 / SRP Stolen: 0 / Morale Affected: +5%
END Shield: 0 END HP: 0 Offence Crit + 20% Defence Crit + 15% Battle Readiness: 0%

Calcigen Amount: 87
Orichalcium Amount: 72
Alien Industrial Tech Amount: 70
Alien Industrial Alloys Amount: 81
Alien Fresh Food Amount: 82

Another grandious victory fro my Marines!!!

Re: Ground combat with victory

Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 2:55 pm
by samudra
Congratz, love the story of grandious victory while you fell in to unconsciousness.
Nice loot, i want that.

Re: Ground combat with victory

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:38 am
by Sukayo
Far Away XX 2016-03-02 22:25:03 Combat Lost Combat Won

ST Shield: 0 ST HP: 10000 Offence: 2250 Defence: 0 Ground: 1000
Attacking Fleet: Long Range scanners picked up the Alien fleet on its approach.

The Alien fleet comprised of the Following vessels
1 Alien Mother Ship, 2 Scientific, 2 Cleric, 13 Warriors, 5 Alien Drop ships.

Initially the Alien Mother Ship stayed well outside weapons range along with its support vessels, whilst the Warriors closed range on the settlement in combat formation.
Orbital Attack: Out gunned out numbered your Alien weapon specialists did their utmost to stop the Aliens from destroying the last of your defences.

Unfortunately it was not to be and as the Alien saw the last of the settlement HP crumble they began landing drop ships!

Morale Affected: -8%
Ground Attack: Fortunately for you the Aliens had underestimated the force and numbers of your ground support. They dropped their combat ships several 100 meters from the perimeter of your base and were immediately met by your ground support weapons.

Needless to say those that landed did not get a chance to leave! Whilst it may seem like a victory the settlement paid a heavy price today.

Talas Taken : 0 / SRP Stolen: 0 / Morale Affected: +5%
END Shield: 0 END HP: 0 Offence Crit + 20% Defence Crit + 15% Battle Readiness: 0%

Alien Interface Amount: 60
Recycled Ghedon Amount: 59
Oxidized Zortium Amount: 73
Alien Data Crystals Amount: 97
Alien Antimatter Amount: 93

Would be nice to see numbers for ground combat ... how close it was this time ....

Re: Ground combat with victory

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:19 am
by Coops
Just a gentle nudge here... whilst this action it may be for some, you DO need to be careful, should you push the envelope too far you may end up loosing these battles and then enter into a fast spiral of negative Morale. One which would be crazy to activity 'seek' on a regular basis. Ground battles are a battle of last resort.

Some players may see this post and think they will try it and find themselves in dire difficulty. I already have two settlements this week who have started to see ground battles lost and begun to loose morale.

So whilst i understand the reason this post was started, I would seriously suggest that unless you know exactly what your doing and understand the risks involved that you DONT follow this path with any vigour.

As I say just a gentle warning for some who may read this and think, that sounds like fun. I wont stop you but I also wont bail out your settlement if you start to loose morale. :)


Re: Ground combat with victory

Posted: Thu Mar 03, 2016 4:31 pm
by Sukayo
Totally right, it is on the grate of loss ... but fun :)

Re: Ground combat with victory

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 5:52 am
by Sukayo
To give an more complex view, here a combat where the 1st part got well, the usual for me. Check out the remaining HP, 34% is not even close to critical.
So for keeping moral high i need to win much more fights than only ground combats, and the variability of damage range is quite high.

ST Shield: 0 ST HP: 10000 Offence: 2250 Defence: 0 Ground: 1000
Attacking Fleet: Long Range scanners picked up the Alien fleet on its approach.

The Alien fleet comprised of the Following vessels
1 Alien Mother Ship, 3 Scientific, 4 Cleric, 19 Warriors, 6 Alien Drop ships.

Initially the Alien Mother Ship stayed well outside weapons range along with its support vessels, whilst the Warriors closed range on the settlement in combat formation.
Orbital Attack: Again and again the Aliens ran strafing runs across the settlement. With each pass your gunners made sure the leaving wave was smaller in numbers. Whilst the Aliens were busy doing their utmost to reduce your settlement to rubble you managed to take out every last one of their Warriors.

Thinking better of it the rest of the Alien fleet jumped back to the gate. Leaving your drones to collect valuable salvage.
Ground Attack: It was obvious that the Aliens were expecting the fight to be a walk over and to unleash their Alien Drop ships on the settlement.

But the fight for the sky above your settlement went well and the drop ships remained in orbit waiting on an order that never came.

Talas Taken : 0 / SRP Stolen: 0 / Morale Affected: +5%
END Shield: 0 END HP: 3392 Offence Crit + 20% Defence Crit + 15% Battle Readiness: 0%

Porphyromite Amount: 98
Alien Prism Device Amount: 72
Alien Building Block Amount: 75
Porphyrius Amount: 90
Alien Civilian Goods Amount: 90

My finetuning was done via the criticals.