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Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:41 pm
by Thorgil
Programming is a hard mind work.
Need a clear of mind and serenity of soul.
I think it is not the Coops state at the moment

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:42 pm
by Thorgil
Programming is a hard mind work.
Need a clear of mind and serenity of soul.
I think it is not the Coops state at the moment.

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:43 pm
by sirfoxey
i have played this game for 10 years plus and been a staff member for longer than I can remember, not the whole 10 years but most of it. The sheer level of hate mail that I have seen Coops get over the years astounds me. More often than not also it is from players who have never spent a cent on supporting the game. Yes some of it has been from rather new players, but a lot has also been from some very long playing players who I would have thought would have known better.
I am all for players giving their feedback positive and negative as with out the feedback this game would have never grown into what it is. So many of the changes and additions to this game which makes it the game it is today has come from players suggestions and feedback. Some players for what ever reason don't want to post theirs on the forum in public and prefer to send it to Coops directly. Which surprises me but hay it is what it is. All too often though the feedback which is negative that hits Coops inbox is so rude that it dumbfounds me. I just can't understand why some people think that it is acceptable to converse with others in such a rude, angry and outright disgusting manner. Regardless of if you are a paying supporter or not, it is completely unacceptable to speak to another person like that. If you were to speak to someone else in a shop or restaurant in the way people have to Coops, regardless of if you believe in the saying "the customer is always right" you would likely have found the shop owner or restaurant manager would have king hit you and thrown you out the front door without even opening it.

This game has been greatly enhanced by the constructive forum post from the players throwing around suggestions or discussing new additions to the game. In many cases when a new addition has been added to the game, over the initial weeks and month after the addition has been added. Coops using the healthy and constructed discussions has been able to with real data from the logs balance out the addition and fine tune it so it works exactly has it was intended and in a way that it benefits the players. It doesn't matter how much testing from the staff and logic that coops applies in the coding of Core Exiles, until it is out live with the player base there is not the data to fine tune and modify the code so the new addition is as perfect as can be. Sure even after that, not everyone will be happy with the change but it works for the intended purpose. Not every addition is purely for the players benefit such as the Sett Events one. This addition was to remove the hours of manual work that Coops was required to do with removing settlements from players who had left the game or players who unfortunately had setup 1 or 2 or even many more alt toons purely for the reason of being cash cows to their main toon. They would level the alt up to a level they could place a settlement and then fit it out with mines and other income generating buildings and funnel all that back to their main toon. Even with the addition of the CAIC it won't stop players from setting up alt toons and placing two settlements per alt for the sole purpose of cash cowing but it does make it far harder and does require them to keep research buildings down also and invest SRP or they will find over a period of time their sett is no longer standing. Though in true CE and Coops style, he has designed this change that for active players who research and invest time into their sett that the events they get slowly more to a far higher percentage of good than bad and they start to really gain bonus for the investment and time it has taken to earn/generate the required SRP to use in research for the CAIC. While still having the desired affect and reason for the addition which had nothing to do with the players who were actually playing CE as designed. Coops turned something that was required for the game into another bonus for players but in this case they had to earn the bonus overtime rather than seeing it with little or no effort from them

We can all post our thanks and kind words to Coops in this thread but unfortunately the real damage has been done by a few players and that is not going to change the hurt and sour taste left in Coops mouth. I am not saying don't post your thanks and kind words, please if you genuinely mean it post away. But if you really want to make a change and show Coops your appreciation and love for what he does and Core Exiles as a game. Get active on the forums, post your feedback to the changes made to the game. Just post them in a constructive and beneficial way regardless of if your thoughts are positive or negative, ask questions of Coops about the changes if you don't understand why they were added. Unless the answer would result in releasing information which would harm the game by players knowing the inner workings, Coops would only be to happy to join in the forum discussions and give us the players the additional information. If we all took part in a lot more healthy and constructive conversations on the forums Coops would have so much more information and data on what is working and what isn't with Core Exiles he could grow this game so much more.

Coops - I take my staff hat off and put my player hat on. I truly thank you for waking up every day and coding more and more content into CE. I know you already know that over the years I have stopped playing all other games and only play CE as i love it that much, but I say it here for people who didn't know that. I could not look more forward to supporting you and the game in what ever way possible I can. As I want CE to continue to grow both as a game and also in players as with more players the game will only get better and better. I am extremely sorry that a few players felt they had the right to abuse you, but I really hope that they have not done unrepairable damage to the game. Unfortunately I think they may have from the in game mail you sent to all players. I hope you can see that you have some really wonderful players who love this game as much as you do and that all of us will do what ever we can as players to help you make CE the best game ever developed.

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 2:56 pm
by mropso
I do not feel I can add much to what has been said so far.

Suffice to say I was appalled to hear of the tone and content of Coops in-box.

Thank you Coops for the game and the time and effort you put into it. That you continue to work as you do in the face of such feedback say much about you.


Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:01 pm
by Marcus
My turn!

I have sent Coops a personal message and i will say it again here... THANK YOU!

Now, to the whiners and haters. Go play Neopets if you want a cute and cuddly game. Here, Rexx is our cute and cuddly!!
This is a FREE game!! This means it survives on player support! Coops has gone far out of his way to make things in this game the best possible.
Do i agree with every change i've seen happen over my 6 years playing, hell no, and like others, and like an adult, i discuss things with Coops. Not back bite, name call, or whine. If you do not like what the vast majority here love, then please... LEAVE!! GO!! Your BS whining and complaining are not welcome!
You have threatened a game i love, that many of us love and it will not be tolerated. I agree with at least one wise poster, cross the line, get banned. Account deleted, see ya, have a nice life. This game a few very close people helped save my life when i was very sick 5 years ago, so this game is NOT just a game, it's a part of my life and i will fight to keep it.
The only thing the whiners and other idiots have done here is get people mad and fired up. Take your BS elsewhere and let those of us that do give a damn, play the game we enjoy.

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:04 pm
by Akkamaddi
I have not logged into the game yet... I'm starting to get afraid... :-(

As someone who has praised Coops many times in the past, before I even see what has gotten everyone so riled up, I think this game is great, and I support it when I can.

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:20 pm
by Gruntok
Come on guys, keep the posts flowing, I am positive that we are a lot more supporters of the game than haters. I'd hate to see this game go down the oblivion road just because some immature people couldn't keep their tempers at bay.
I love this game, and try to support it as much as I can.

Coops, I think I'l just go buy something from the store so you can go get yourself a frozen pint and relax!


Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:27 pm
by king david
What you have to ask yourself at the end of the day. If CE got switched off, would you care at all. If the your answer is I could care less AND you wont stop complaining too far and insulting the developer then get the hell off our game, don't look back !!!!!! We wont miss you.

If the answer is Yes I would deeply miss CE, and you are complaining And insulting the developer. Please grow up quickly. Coops can't please everyone at all times. But he does have to make some tough decisions for the good of the game. You will not like everything he does, But you have to admit this game is awesome and headed in a good direction.
At the end of the day we have an awesome community , that is very developed. It has an awesome balance. In no other game has many of the store items been available though in game trading, competitions, festive points, bestowals, ect
And if you don't agree with me , or with what Coops does, its ok. You CAN complain , but don't be a whiney baby (censored) about it.

Now if you know this is written to you say your sorry then go buy something from the store,

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:38 pm
by AnjeSpolmit
I play CE every day albeit for only a short while. I have enjoyed the game for free and will hopefully continue to do so.

Putting forward ones views about a game can be positive and can contribute to the development of it.

I was amazed by the contents of the mail that I received this morning. I assume that the writers of such vitriol can be identified. They should be banned forthwith.

To Coops, all I can say is thank you for allowing me to play your game. Hopefully a few bad apples will not cause you to cease development of CE. The Universe is still developing- CE should continue to do the same. Good luck

Re: Thank you Coops for CE!

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 3:53 pm
by Arnica
A belated job well done for the work on adding the "drill down" on modules in the crafting screens. It has removed much frustrating back and forth, making crafting a relative joy for the larger/deeper schematics. My complaints are easy to post, improvements done well rarely mentioned. I would encourage people to make use of the forums to make comments/suggestions rather than PM directly to coops if that is the problem. Not certain if it is, but being the "one" in a one to many communication is patently unsustainable and draining. Not to mention you miss out on expanding your horizons in game. Many games have implemented a filter betwixt developer and players for the reasons mentioned by Coops.