Timeout on passengers in terminals

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Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by CatriaReeds »

In response to complaints voiced by several settlement owners, I would like to suggest that passengers will have, in fact, a shelf life in a terminal, after which time it is assumed the passenger will have boarded a NPC-operated liner bound for their original destination.

I would suggest that a random shelf life on passengers be implemented (i.e. the time a passenger will spend in a terminal before it boards a NPC-operated ship and thus leaves the terminal) which would average to about 30 days.
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Re: Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by MarcSp »

Been suggested before, and Coops declared its up to the captains to move them about.

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However, to help incentivize things, perhaps sett owners can add a "fee/bribe" to the passenger fare.
Maybe paying a premium of a few thousand may just inspire some captain to pick them up and move them on.
That way if you want them gone, you gotta pay for it.
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Re: Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by Coops »

Just so CatriaReeds doesn't get hammered to hard :) I did in chat yesterday say that if anyone wanted this type of thing to re-voice the opinion as we now have Aliens in the Mix (which was what the main comments were about) IE them getting dropped off an not being picked up again.

I'm happy to hear suggestions at this stage.

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Re: Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by pikolinianita »

It was ma and I (as always) messed up :(. There are two problems:

1) Alien Pass - That is Alien race, Alien Cabin required to pick up. Wants travel to Furnace, VP etc. If such beast clogged your settlement Let me know, I'll pick some up when I fly nearby.

2) Any Pass (both Humans and Aliens, mostly Humans) travelling to Deep Expanse. Queoss for example. Right now, in my Settlement in Umbari) there is around 16 Pass to places beyond my reach (Thank you, Sukayo, you took those four to Darath). In theory I could pick them up and dump them somewhere in system, but it's not my way of play.

I don't know how hard/how much time you need to do something with this. Union offices are not so common, but I know at least one player who removed Union office due to Alien Infestation.


You could set timer for each pass, like Catria suggested. But:
- to enable NPC pick up player have to place "Commercial Union Office" instead of Union Office. It would be crafted. Pass would be picked up every 30 or 60 days
- "Advanced Commercial Union Office" - CE store item, with shorter time between NPC ship travels.
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Re: Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by Sukayo »

i did not see/check a negative effect fro dropping them close to the original destination. To see a change -possible a percentage of the price could be payed out based on the distance left to the original destination.
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Re: Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by CatriaReeds »

pikolinianita wrote:It was ma and I (as always) messed up :(. There are two problems:

1) Alien Pass - That is Alien race, Alien Cabin required to pick up. Wants travel to Furnace, VP etc. If such beast clogged your settlement Let me know, I'll pick some up when I fly nearby.

2) Any Pass (both Humans and Aliens, mostly Humans) travelling to Deep Expanse. Queoss for example. Right now, in my Settlement in Umbari) there is around 16 Pass to places beyond my reach (Thank you, Sukayo, you took those four to Darath). In theory I could pick them up and dump them somewhere in system, but it's not my way of play.
And, even though there is no contest pertaining to alien passengers anymore, I will still refund any and all municipal taxes levied on alien passengers.
I don't know how hard/how much time you need to do something with this. Union offices are not so common, but I know at least one player who removed Union office due to Alien Infestation.
I think that is the case of all Descarte and Bedlam player setts that previously had Union offices.
You could set timer for each pass, like Catria suggested. But:
- to enable NPC pick up player have to place "Commercial Union Office" instead of Union Office. It would be crafted. Pass would be picked up every 30 or 60 days
- "Advanced Commercial Union Office" - CE store item, with shorter time between NPC ship travels.
Probably a L5 sett building, and would require similar costs in terms o materials as you would a large shopping center or a settlement expansion unit (and require around 300 Production/300 Manufacturing to craft). Oh and said commercial union offices would be adding to tourism rating as well.

And Industrial (or Advanced Commercial) Union Offices would be for L6 setts but craftable and require twice as much resources and around 350 Production/350 Manufacturing. And also twice as much tourism rating vs. the commercial one. The schematics would be sold at Deep Star Creations; they already have some expertise in passenger comfort, which is important for terminals as well as for the cabins.
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Re: Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by blueblue »

as i cannot ship out aliens all i have is aliens left! i have tried the bribe, insentive but it may have been missed....

if you are using a timer i would have it very short...like 24 hours :D
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Re: Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by blueblue »

judging the feedback i got in game it seems that aliens are too much hassle to ship...i think we need a timer or a increase in credit rewards for these passengers to encourage senior players to do a pick up! :D
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Re: Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by Darakhoranon »

I think the main problem with alien passengers is that only higher level players can pick them up in the first place, let alone transport them into the deep expanse. So the number of potential "taxis" is relatively small from the outset.

I think the idea of adding a settlement building that regularly "removes" (alien) passengers is the best possible solution that doesn't require extensive code changes to allow lower level players to transport aliens and/or restrict alien passenger destinations to easily reached systems.
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Re: Timeout on passengers in terminals

Post by XPLODE »

Introduce a new shop item that recycles aliens into resources.

Gruesome but fun.
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