Guild Owned Sectors in CE???

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Guild Owned Sectors in CE???

Post by MadMaxxx »

First i would like to mention that its not to lock anything away from non guildmates and other players, but please read till the end so you can see bigger picture.

Guild finds a system/sector then it has to survey/explore the syste/sector to find planets or other stuff (Stations could be abandoned and need fixing) or built from ground up. Then after that is done, we would get option to build NPC settlements/maybe open up player owned slots or guild owned. Then you would need to take care of defending the sett/station/... Once you sort that out, you would have Projects (like Genesis or Discovery) where you would need resources and misc items to open up stuff on NPC Sett/stations/... like ORSA site, GLESO,stores,.....
Guild would get % of income from stores/hauling and resources from Combat/extracted/salvage for example.
Would also need to patrol the area with Combat Battleships for example to keep the system/sector safe.
We can also introduce Mercenary type patrols so you would have Guild Faction Offices where Mercenaries (non guildmates) would earn Faction XP and gain levels and titles.

Here is OtherRicks add on to my idea refining it further:
1) Patrol by sending crew members out on missions.
2) Patrol by deploying Genesis deployments out on missions.
3) Patrol by taking missions at a system-specific Corporation contract office.
4) Optional patrol by taking missions at a Guild-owned Combat Contract Office.

Essentially we would be setting up is the ability for guilds to become their own factions, on par with the Alliance/Verec-Par/GalFed
We could even introduce Guild mercenary levels and higher ones get harder missions etc.
Guild faction levels would need to be unlocked with Guild XP.
Guild contracts for missions could cost guild XP to set up (similar to guild GBM's)

Non Guildies would be mercenaries only. And they would be paid either in credits or resources % of loot for example. That way you dont lock non Guildies out. Here is refining this idea further:

What I mean is, guildies and non-guildies alike can earn faction XP to attain new ranks (Recruit, Corporal, Admiral, Respected, etc). However, higher ranks (Corporal, Admiral, Respected, etc) don't exist until the guild unlocks them and gives them a name.
Further, the Guild Contract Office from which captains can take out contracts is fueled by the guild's Guild XP. The guild can set things like contract variety and payout, and the Guild XP cost to make the contract available in the office is affected by those settings.
(lets the Guild decide, for example, if they wanna have an "Ashar" Combat Office or a "Wesbec" Combat Office).

What do you all as community think about this idea?


MadMaxxx (with Hunbaba and OtherRick)
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Re: Guild Owned Sectors in CE???

Post by HotandReady »

its definitely interesting. Lots of details to work out. Like 'how do the Guilds locate systems/planets' Is it sending out 5k probes in a particular direction? Are planets just ready for occupancy or would there be terraforming type stuffs? Then resources to build like you mentioned. Seems like the larger guilds are at an advantage to discover more/multiple systems. I think it is still a good concept for a community driven activity
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Re: Guild Owned Sectors in CE???

Post by OtherRick »


From my perspective, the main thing here is this:

Having guild-run systems de-facto introduces guilds as a new faction. It would be wonderful if all players could interact with that faction just like they can with Gal-Fed: Earn faction XP by taking missions on behalf of that faction, doing combat with it's enemies, clearing space debris, or doing whatever that guild faction decides is most helpful.

The strengths of this idea are plentiful:
1) Gives small and large guilds alike new goals.
2) Many benefits for non-guild members (new offices with rewarding missions, new places to explore, new uses for other parts of CE)
3) CODE RECYCLING-- although some of the infrastructure would need tweaking, the code that would allow players to interact with the guild faction already exists: combat offices, factions, genesis, corporations, crew missions can all contribute towards this new aspect of gameplay.
4) Conceptually ties in well with battleships exploring new systems.

Anyway. Merry Christmas!

--Cpt OtherRick (and Copilot, but she's already in bed)
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Re: Guild Owned Sectors in CE???

Post by Korth »

Add in individual/guild/server anchor points. Individual you have to "survey" a system yourself. Guild could be same or in Guild Area. Server would be everyone who can gain access, may have to be surveyed in first place

Also Planets would have to be surveyed. They should have a good indicator of "usefulness" so the best could be picked to explore first. This would be if the planet is settlement capable, will have resources (ORSA).

Add in Outpost: mini and upgradeable SBs

Like the above ideas too.
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Re: Guild Owned Sectors in CE???

Post by MarcSp »

Interesting idea, but after consideration, I'm not a fan of this. Couple of reasons or problems:

1) You want a private galaxy with systems you can survey/explore/develop/etc...and eventually
control those systems. How do you access these systems? Is any system restricted only to that
one guild? Does each guild get its own system, or can any guild or player enter any of these
systems? Can guilds take control away from another guild? Can multiple guilds operate within
the same system, competing for ownership of planets/setts/bases?

1b) Plus, this sounds like this will use up a large amount of guild effort to sustain.
I think starbases, and eventually battleships/CORE expansion, will need that effort,
at least for the next few years.

2) Guild or faction ownership of system resources (planets/bases/setts).
It sounds like you want a guild to "own" a system or planet, and thus control who gets to
develop these planets, who gets to have setts there, who gets access to orsa/asteroids/nebulas
there, skimming off a percentage as a tax, basically restricting access to guild members.
Great for the guild, not so good for the non-guild player base. Why should some guild have
private access to a system?

2b) If you allow non-guild players to rank up as mercenarys or whatever, what is the
benefit to them for that? Sure, maybe some bonus to missions, but do they get rights
to build setts/ extract ORSA/ place barges or drones / etc in guild territory as a
benefit of rank only? Or are you forcing them to join the guild to get that?

2c) Are you willing to give up control of membership? The main difference between factions
and guilds, is that factions are open to ALL, whereas guild can control who becomes members.
I need no ones permission or approval to join GalFed,I just need to kill their enemies.
In guilds, some player out there decides if I am worthy to join.

Frankly, this suggestion is giving me flashbacks to EVE Online. I'd rather not go there.
And it seems a massive coding effort, for limited benefit. But here is a suggestion:
rather than systems, how about 1 planet? Each guild can create a Genesis project,
set up a NPC in some system, collect resources, and eventually create a new planet.
The guild would then own that one planet, and establish a promenade. The guild could
sett up ORSA, Gleso, stores, all restricted to guild members. Perhaps allow mercenary
ranks access as they levelup. Perhaps allow player setts as well for guild members or
even mercs. Basically the original idea just scaled down a lot.
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