Janis Variant A-2 Update

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Gabby Newsome
CE ISN Reporter
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Janis Variant A-2 Update

Post by Gabby Newsome »

Good day fellow exiles! This is Gabby Newsome with The News You Can Use.

We are here today with the renowned virologist and epidemiologist Dr. Giles Robinson to discuss the status of the ongoing Janis Variant A-2 virus.

GN: So Dr. how well is the cure working?

Dr. GB: The cure is working very well, for those Captains who are taking it. Unfortunately we have a number of Captains who are infected but have not undertaken the treatment.

GN: What does that mean in general?

Dr. GB: For the most part it just means there are a number of Captains out there who are experiencing a worsening rash and exposing themselves to further symptoms which may become debilitating. That brings me to the second point, we now have a broad enough base to track some of these symptoms.

GN: Could you give us some examples?

Dr. GB: Well, just from the existing rash we have distractions, which isn’t exactly a direct symptom but is certainly casal, and when operating a craft hurtling through space can’t be good. Lack of sleep will contribute to being distracted, possibly further hallucinations, eventually resulting in frequent bouts of loss of consciousness.

GN: Those seem to be fairly mild.

Dr. GB: Imagine you are in a battle with an alien, you are lining up a shot and all the sudden you get that irritating itch on your left calf. It doesn’t go away, you are distracted and miss the shot. The outcome could be disastrous!

GN: Any other symptoms becoming apparent?

Dr. GB: We are still evaluating to ensure the symptoms directly related to the disease but we have noticed an increased loss of bodily functions, particularly in the digestive system. That means incontinence both urinary and bowel. Not a pleasant occurrence, particularly in a suit, exploring a derelict.

GN: So captains should get treated as soon as possible?

Dr. GB: Well Gabby, that is an individual decision. I would encourage Captains to get treated, but that’s all I can do. We will continue to study the effects and may make recommendations, based on public safety and insurance costs, that captains who are in later stages of the disease are banned from certain activities. I know I wouldn’t want to be a passenger in a vessel with a Captain that could pass out, or run us into an asteroid.

GN: Well there you have it folks. Another update on the effects of the Janis Variant-A virus. I would urge all Captains to get treated as well. I travel a lot and my choice is not to fly with infected Captains. I would urge all my readers to do likewise.

This is Gabby Newsome, signing off.
Star Field Reporter - ISN NEWS
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