Guild Store Changes (From SU)

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Guild Store Changes (From SU)

Post by Coops »

I've been working my way through a LARGE list of changes, amendments, upgrades and removals for the last few months. Prev and I have strived where possible to come up with compromises when at all possible, but we are the ones who have to fix an issue when it goes tit's up or more commonly when players misuse a function added for a specific purpose.

Guild Stores were one such area. We added a fairly encompassing guild store allowing players to store almost any in game item. We gave guilds permission based access to the store and even a public / private switch for items being added to the store.

Yet in the last few months of open beta we spent hours and hours tracking players guild activities with relation to the Store and its general misuse. This led Prev and I to decide for the time being to be a tad 'Genghis Khan' on the Guild Stores.

Changes (Store)
Guild Stores are now only used to store Resources. (IE the items Joes buys etc). Items can be deposited TO the guild store and viewed by the guild store interface.
Items stored IN the guild store can be used to craft for the Guild.
Items IN the guild store may not be removed in any other fashion / method / way / hack / bribe etc...

Changes (Crafting)
Each guild member can now be given access TO guild crafting. By default it's off. So a guild can decide WHO is the guild crafter and allow him / her / them access to the guild manufacturing screen. (usual access via promenade).

Resources are the ONLY thing that comes out of the guild store for a guild build (as modules are no longer stored there). The text reflects this on the guild Manufacturing screen. So make sure you read and digest these changes.

As normal, all items crafted end up in your ships stores. (no change there).

Now this would have caused uproar had we done it when live but in a closed beta state this will not affect any of you (unless you've been sneaky and already been using your Guild supplies to craft lol).

This (for now) will simply and easily remove all the options for players to infiltrate a Guild and wholesale plunder it. (we saw far too much of this). This also bypasses us having to implement 1000's of lines of safety code for guilds and adding more and more security features for members ect.

Guilds can still work together to craft large or small items (including Settlements) it just means no one runs off with the Guild jewels whilst the leader is away or the offices haver their back turned.

This change affected 26 pages of existing code, so imagine the work involved had we gone the other way.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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