Calling All Ships - A.I Advance

Game Role Playing Storyline news posts from ISN News. Gus Givens and his staff will keep you updated on the latest news and rumours within the Universe.
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Gus Givens
CE ISN Reporter
Posts: 217
Joined: Tue Jul 15, 2014 10:30 am

Calling All Ships - A.I Advance

Post by Gus Givens »

Gus Givens here with the latest on what has become the topic of the year here at ISN News.

Yesterday saw Gal-Fed and Verecian ships fighting side by side in Kinbnal. As if this wasn't an odd enough sight there were dozens of Captains in all types of vessels taking part in the barricade actions in Kinbnal.

So far 707 A.I type vessels have been destroyed in Kinbnal. These vessels range from lowly Scout vessels to larger support ships which are pretty damn big by all accounts. A Gal-fed Spokesman stated that currently it seems as if they are simply testing our defences and offensive capabilities, which is somewhat worrying.

But for now it seems that the Gal-Fed and Verecian combat fleets are enough to keep this new threat to humanity at bay.

Excuse me a second....

Sorry, they what ?, Can you confirm that?

Sorry about that my producer has just informed me that another large fleet of A.I ships has broken through into Kinbnal and that the A.D.N system has reported ships entering through both the Utono and Thraeg system Nebula. Apparently fierce fighting has already broken out in all three systems.

I have also been given an image showing the types and scale of the current A.I vessels that have been spotted. I will attach this to this ISN new Broadcast.

Captains if you're out there listening to this, get over to Verec-Per I believe you are needed!

Gus Givens
ISN News Desk
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