Remove Guild Application

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Remove Guild Application

Post by Coops »

I have made two slight changes to Guild Applications.

Guild Member Awareness - Application Outstanding

The first is that there is now a Bar appears at the top of the Guild Office informing members of the guild that there is an outstanding application for their Guild. Respective Leaders and Officers can then be more aware of this, and act accordingly.

Applicant 'Self Terminate Application'

Some guilds take longer to respond to applications, some are on the ball and deal with them quickly. For the poor captain that's stuck in limbo waiting for an acceptance you now have the option to cancel your application.

Simply revisit the office you applied at, and you will find the button to apply now changes, and gives you the option to 'cancel your application'. If you enter 'Another' Guild you will find the message informs you that you already have an outstanding application 'elsewhere'.

Cancelling your application is quick and without warnings, so only cancel if you really mean it :)

A reminder that you can only apply for ONE Guuilod at a time and only be a member of one guild at a time :)

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