8th Challenge Comes to a Close

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8th Challenge Comes to a Close

Post by Coops »

Well, it's been fun, but all good things must come to an end eventually. The Coops Official 8th Challenge Ended at 16:00 today (Game Time).

All Festive Handouts have been closed and the Coops Exchange hand-in office (for the Challenge items) have been closed. All those items will have disappeared from your ship's stores now. So whatever you have left over is either handed in at the Festive Stores for Festive Points or handed in at the Christmas Exchanges for the December Specials.

I have extended the latter offices to remain open to Midnight on the 10th of January. This gives Everyone plenty of time to hand in their items and select a few Specials for their ship.

Any Points you have accrued and NOT spent by the time the stores close will REMAIN on your account until next year.

The Coops Goodie Bag has NOW been added to your account. This went to 487 accounts that took part in some shape or fashion over the Challenge.

You can review the Final Goodie Bag OVER HERE

I have also added a 20,000 unit fuel Ticket Server-wide to anyone who took part this time around. That's 18,500 bumped up to 20K for breaking the Server Fuel Goal - Congrats on that one BTW! Final score on that was 3,862,114 - Target was 3 Mill!

You completed 37 stages. Not as bad as it sounds as Nibe new stages were added this year and they were toughies. I did base them on previous weeks normal 'play' but it seems that Explorers of Derelicts and Planets were lacking in numbers over the Festive Period and not enough Raids were killed to make the later stages of RAID Salvage.

But there is always NEXT TIME!

I have also wrapped up the Festive NPC's - So all your Festive items can now safely be handed into the Festive Stor or passed on to friends and guildmates.

I hope you had fun this time around and hope to see a lot more of you this year both IN the game and IN Discord Chat!

Have a great 2018 folks!

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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