The Kraken & The Tanker

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The Kraken & The Tanker

Post by Coops »

It's a been a number of years since we peered into the abyss that controls the Bio Engines and Fuel Storage devices. I figured it was about time for a cap rise. After all, we have players these days burning their way through fuel like it was launch day at the Sriharikota space centre.

Release The Kraken!
Up till Now the largest engine has been the Bio 5, this has been the largest and most popular engine in the game / on the CE Store. Well there is a new Engine on the block and this one is a Monster!

This one produces 30 (yes I said 30) Fuel per Tick. So meter that out and that's 20,160 units of Fuel per Week! That's now Double the current Level 5! Not to mention this engine gives a 7,500 Reactor energy boost when fitted!

But I already have a Level Five Coops! OK - Well the Kracken comes with an offer that if you upgrade (from a Level 5) you get a 5,000 unit Fuel ticket that alone is valued at £11.50!

This engine should stand us in good stead for many years to come and keep up with the fuel hungry captains out there.

The Tanker!
OK - fuel storage devices (Specials) aren't sexy. They look dull and sit attached to your specials ship section and store fuel. But they can be a life saver if your AFK from the game for a while. I know many captains stack these puppies and keep as much sloshing around in the tank as they can.

Well there is a new behemoth on the horizon and its called 'The Tanker'. Its a normal Bio Storage Special device like the others but this puppy comes with a Massive 40,000 units of space! Please don't fall in we might never find you!

You can Find both these items in the CE store as Supporter items. A great way to help you and aid the game!

The Kraken Engine - Link opens in new Window
The Tanker - Bio Fuel Storage - Link opens in new Window

Have fun folks!
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king david
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Re: The Kraken & The Tanker

Post by king david »

all i can say is get it while its hot!!!!!!!!!

Thanks coops
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