Trouble finding loot

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Trouble finding loot

Post by Kormic »

Hi. After engaging in combat a number of times, the loot I am picking up is not really useful in Sven's. I need a greater source of barterable items, and I have no real money I can use at the CE Store.Any thoughts?
james t kirk
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Re: Trouble finding loot

Post by james t kirk »

do you have a mining barge?
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Re: Trouble finding loot

Post by MarcSp »

Lots of careers provide misc loot (mining, combat, exploring, hauling, derelict exploring),
so if you get bored switch careers around and do something else for a while.
The NPC characters supply lots of barterable stuff, but its usually not cost effective to buy them and trade
them in. Thats mostly for crafters needing pieces to complete some kit.
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Re: Trouble finding loot

Post by pikolinianita »

Derelict exploration gives a lot of "Sven items", but you have to have buy some from Sven too. From NPC Crystals Red and Yellow are best for Sven.

I'd reverse question - What do you want to buy from Sven? perhaps there is better way to get your stuff?
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Re: Trouble finding loot

Post by Kormic »

Thanks, all. Only lvl 10 with 15 mining skills, so no barge. I need to barter for an emporium license, and have lots of stuff in Misc; just nothing Sven's will take.
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