Anyone selling a ship?

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Anyone selling a ship?

Post by Afarticus »

Dear all,

Looking for my first So** eh I mean my very first new ship... How can I know if someone is selling an old ship? I don't think 2nd hand ships are sold via Emporium, right?

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Re: Anyone selling a ship?

Post by pikolinianita »

There is big problem with used Ships (not player made). It is way easier to sell used one, than buy one. Sorry.

to buy/sell ships from/to player you have to have UHL (Universal Hangar License). It is CE Store (for real $$) or festive store item.
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Re: Anyone selling a ship?

Post by Afarticus »

Thanks, I have UHL. So in other words I just have to wait until someone offers an used ship... there is no 2nd hand market...
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Re: Anyone selling a ship?

Post by MarcSp »

Are you talking about Standard ships, or PM (player made) ships?
Cause for Standard ships, you go to a ship store, buy your new ship, and trade in your existing ship, all in one go.
So there is little reason to try to sell off your ship, although you could, in the Ship Hanger area.
After a certain level, almost everyone goes for a PM ship, cause those ships are way better (for any given level)
as well as opening up new areas of the game (ship crew). BUT, almost no one makes low level PM ships,
its not cost effective and most wait until they are high level (90+) to get into the really good ships.

If you enter your Ships Hanger (on the upper right icon bar), there is a small icon, looks like a small
blue planet with a red moon around it, that is the ship sales area.
Presently there are two ships for sale, both Calypso class ships for Captains level 165 and above.
Don't choke on the price tag.
Lower level PM ships are rarely seen for sale.
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Re: Anyone selling a ship?

Post by pikolinianita »

cannot agree. Non-pm ships are bught by few of us whi do shipyard salavge. so used, non PM ships are swiftly rrmved from market by few big players, and dismantled.

For PM ship Ventris chassis is good choice (lvl 45-50), without modules and even with frame 1 it is very good ship for combat AND hauling for good 60 levels. it is big project, a lot of extracting, some combat and factories (or GBM), but doable.
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Re: Anyone selling a ship?

Post by Afarticus »

Thanks both ! Learned again something!
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Re: Anyone selling a ship?

Post by king david »

i have a ventris for sale Pm King David in game
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Re: Anyone selling a ship?

Post by king david »

sorry that ship is no longer available
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