
A section for the Blind or Visually Impaired to chat and discuss screen-readers and Braille systems. When posting here please ensure you remember the target audience.
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Post by Paarthurnax »

Not sure if this applies but here is my visual situation.

I do not need the aids listed. My problem is that I need to use Larger Text in general. The result is that on the Sidebar's the list gets cut off toward the bottom of the screen; both sides.

I have to re-set my entire computer and re-start to "normal" text size in order to see the full display of the sidebar's. However, the text is so small for me I can Barely make it out - with my face to screen and squinting.

I know Nothing about coding and all that. Hence my lack of knowledge about putting forth a Maybe solution. Would it be possible to put the sidebars at the Top of the screen? Even at larger text I can see that the drop downs would have enough room to display the entire selection. If there is a easier solution for the code situation I am all for it.

Thanks for any help or suggestions.
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Re: Inbetween

Post by XPLODE »

Glasses would help.
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Re: Inbetween

Post by 5hortpants »

Manners would help, too, 'Splode!

I would love a segment of the game that can ONLY be played by sound. Choosing option based on sound, something like that. But I'm weird like that.
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Re: Inbetween

Post by pikolinianita »

5hortpants wrote:Manners would help, too, 'Splode!

I would love a segment of the game that can ONLY be played by sound.
By sound? you mean I'd have to scream "Love You Coops" to mine Terovite? wonder, if I screamed "Love Rexx" would I get Titanium and Fashion Cloting in one shot?
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Re: Inbetween

Post by 5hortpants »

pikolinianita wrote: By sound? you mean I'd have to scream "Love You Coops" to mine Terovite? wonder, if I screamed "Love Rexx" would I get Titanium and Fashion Cloting in one shot?
WAIT, I'm cornfused.... Isn't that already how it works? I swear that's how I ended up with so many bottles of Rexx brand strawberry perfumed oxygen! I've taken to whispering "I Love Rexx" so as not to add to my collection.

Back to the point- large print would help with us in-betweeners. Important parts of the screen disappear when you zoom in very much, it can be disheartening.
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Re: Inbetween

Post by Paarthurnax »

Thank You for the support above. To clarify; I have had eye surgery on both eyes and a lens was put in each eye. Regular eye glasses are not an option. Over the counter "cheaters" help to read books and such; but not when it comes to the computer screen.

I am still hoping Coops and CE Team behind he screen can come up with a solution that is not crazy hard on their end but will assist those of us who are Inbetween. From what my eye doctor has told me I am not actually all that unusual.
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Re: Inbetween

Post by XPLODE »

Most browsers can zoom in with ctrl+ or ctrl-.

Most browsers can also change font size to a custom option during rendering.

Another option is to install some kind of addon/plugin for your browser that gives you the option to stylize the page to your taste.

Last option is to use the greasemonkey plugin so you can directly alter the page with simple scripts to blow up the text in certain parts of the webpage.

By the way how are you changing the entire systems text size?
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Re: Inbetween

Post by Paarthurnax »

I go to the Control Panel/Visualization settings. Gives you three options on text size overall. I need to use the largest text size. Make All things that text size for me; where ever I go on the net etc.

I have to go there to put back to "normal" text size to see the full extent of the side bars. Which for me is Quite small. The medium setting also cuts off the side bars...sigh. Also requires I re-start the computer to Apply it.
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