Settlement Owners - Gentle Reminder

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Settlement Owners - Gentle Reminder

Post by Coops »

I thought it may be a wise idea for me to remind ALL Settlement owners of the Consequences of allowing your Morale to drop to -25%. I get reports on Settlements that are removed by the system and those that are handed over to The Official Receiver.

Recently there has been a small spate of settlements being wrapped up due to simply Failing to Pay their bills. This leads to the staff at the settlement losing faith in their leader (the Settlement owner) and thereby the Moral dropping more rapidly.

It does not take long for a Settlements morale to drop to -25% and at or just after that point the settlement is handed over to the Official Receiver and Section 4, Subsection 3 of the Settlmeent code applies.

A reminder of the stages as a Settlement hits these points in Morale:

25% Stores / Offices Close Doors
Under section 4, subsection 3 of the charter of licensed trade agreements when a settlement Morale drops to 25% or below key non-essential Offices / Stores will close. These offices/stores REMAIN on your settlement promenade but simply close their doors to the public.

If you raise your Morale back above 25% they will automatically open once more. There is a specific text shown to yourself and visitors to your settlement when attempting to access a store/office under these conditions.

Note this only affects non-essential stores and offices.

10% Stores / Offices Pulled
Should your Morale drop to 10% or below ALL non-essential store/office licenses will be revoked and the aforementioned store/offices pulled from your settlement promenade.

Final Wrap Up -25%

Should your settlement reach Minus 25% a wrap-up command will be given and your settlement will pass out of your control and be handed over to the Official Receiver Account. At that time the settlement will be reviewed and it is likely the following will happen.

90% of the recent settlement closures were due to captains simply not leaving enough funds in the Settlement Bank. Their defences and other moral affecting criteria were fine. Just insufficient funds to cover daily costs.

On a Positive note, we are still hovering around the 240-250 settlement mark. So as settlements go, so new ones replace them. But I wanted to highlight the issue of ensuring your settlement is properly funded. Least you return a few months later and find it 'simply gone'.

Don't forget you can always use the Settlement WRAP UP If you prefer to simply self-terminate and wrap up a settlement. That way you don't out on the awfully large investment you made in all those buildings!

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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