Project Discovery Goes Live

This section covers latest updates and changes within the game. Posts here are made by the Developers and if you only read 1 Section - make it this one!
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Project Discovery Goes Live

Post by Coops »

Project Discovery Goes Live

Today marks the first day the Project Discovery as initially mentioned in THIS ISN Post. There are Seven offices open to all Captains across the known accessible Galaxies. For info on the project and how it will work and evolve please full read and digest THIS POST.

Grantham - Kirby Station
Yam - Coalition 1
Dranor - Titania
Canby - Lorsolomon
Chethera - Habitat-91
Talos - Dillians Dream
Metri - Herschelii

This marks the start of a very long story line for CE, but brings many of the existing story lines together and will over time utilise most of the games resources brining the player base together for a common goal.

You do NOT have to take part if you do not wish and if you read the full post you will understand that this is likely to be ongoing for a very long time. So each and every player old or brand new will have a chance to take part.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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