Missile Shake Up!

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Missile Shake Up!

Post by Coops »

Missiles have been in game for a long, long time. Added shortly after Guns and added to make peace with the Haulers who at the time were getting Combat 'Drag In' events. If you've not been with us since the start these were actual combats you had to fight in.

You could escape but it meant paying the piper. So we added Missiles as a form of defence. They hadn't really been tweaked or adjusted since then.

As most of you are aware the last Galactic Research Project enabled us to re-visit Missiles. What I will say now is - If you never use missiles or never intend to you can stop reading now.

Missiles as you knew them (the old 16 variants) have been picked up shaken down and added to the new list. This now contains 40 Missile sets.

There are Six player made types each requiring a certain amount of crafting skills.

Missiles were totally imbalance when held against other weapons. This has now been slid back in place and although missiles cost credits to purchase or resources to make now they are lower in skill req's than guns on the whole.

Non Trade. After much wrangling we have kept with the NON trade feature of missiles. That means you can purchase the non player made versions from the stores, but if you want to use Player made (more powerful versions) you will need to invest some skills in crafting.

This has been done on purpose and not as an afterthought. If you want to use the higher level missiles you will need to sink some extra skills. We have made them accessible and they start as low as 15 prod and manf.

Existing Missiles - All missiles have been hit with the ugly stick and their stats shifted, skills, levels, damages have all been edited. So don't log a bug tomorrow saying my missiles are not working as they should without checking their new details first.

There are 120,264 missiles in players stores showing that there are plenty of you using Missiles. Please remember this change was made so we could continue increasing missiles and still make them fair.

I have a project on the back burner that will allow us to bring Torpedoes to life in CE and altering the stats and methods for missiles was a much needed step in this direction.

I wont labour on where to find the Schems these are shown as per usual in the CEDR. But I will mention one small change, on the schematic pages you will see the Engineering tab now shares Missiles as a partner. So that's where you will find your schems when you've purchased them.

Once built Missiles will of course be placed in the Missile bay.

Happy Hunting.

A Walk in the Woods helps me relax and release the tension from a hard day at the code.
The fact that I'm dragging a body behind me should be irrelevant!
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