Remote Corporation Control / Mining Barge power cells.

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Lord Castellan Creed
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Remote Corporation Control / Mining Barge power cells.

Post by Lord Castellan Creed »

One thing I'd love to see would be the introduction of a pod or account upgrade that would allow you to control your corporation from any planet.

It would certainly be something I'd happily purchase as a paid addon, and I believe others would too. As it saves you having to hang around the corporation to send the captains on their merry way.

Another thing that would be quite nice to see is the ability to buy powercells for my barge from the CE store (both an instant refill, and a permanent increase), as at early levels I easily run out of power before I do space.
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Re: Remote Corporation Control / Mining Barge power cells.

Post by Elkhorn »

I think the corporation "remote" should be level based. Corporation must be a XX level before you can use this. The reason I say this is you don't turn your rookies loose to run the store. You stop in and check on them. Also for game balance something has to be done to keep Captains engaged. Yes there should be advances in automation, but barges and drones have severely crippled the old time miners...
As for powercell boosts...yeah that would be a nice CE Store add-on.
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