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API implementation

Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2017 6:47 pm
by zoolii
Is this impossible? Or we do not want?
In this great game is more and more (realtime) things we are dealing with . In real world we get more and more informations every day. Everything is about the notifications.
It would be good to gain real-time information ,for example, end of certificate training,return of crews , new GBM contracts, fullfilled our contracts, get and redirect ingame mails etc . ( full fuel thank :P )
Or just interested in me?

Re: API implementation

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2017 2:02 am
by Pterrodaxo
Given what I remember about the backend of things from my prior time played, I don't think that is an option. While there are various timers and tickers for things, they are used to help populate various things from available planetary resources to RAIDS. Also, how much of the various bits of code are dedicated to security with everything being done via PHP and HTML / CSS, I dunno if it's even feasible technically. I don't think we'd ever see a notification system like Twitter with the near instantaneous updates / notifications but I may also be assuming too much in terms of what sort and speed of notifications you're looking for.

But, something like say having the system send an email to the email you registered with when say a GBM contract gets completed might be feasible but then the question comes down to the technical bits such as making sure the servers don't go end over tea kettle from excess load. Such details are the purvey of Coops and potentially the CSAs who get a bit more under the hood view of things.

Re: API implementation

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2017 2:00 pm
by zoolii
First of all,sorry for my english,still is not very good .
Secondly I am not a (professional ) programmer,some experience I got from programming PLC-s. Some scripts I can put together,especially from opensource communities (ctrl-c and ctrl-v is my best language..:))
Thirdly,when answer is “Not impossible” or “We not have resources for this” then nothing to talk about. I very very appreciate the work of Coops , I would not be able to do it..
So,I dont talk about tick based stuffs. These are anything else. When have a time then I do some combat ,or do mining. On the beginning we have only 1-2 thing ,whats are effect in real time . I was possibility put end of certificate training to google calendar . When it ends ,I got notification . This day such things are many and every day more . I think Coops dont check CE store or bug system every half hour, he get some “peep-peep”.

I can be wrong,but I thought about API systems,that this is a interface (router) what make Coops (because he is bored :P ) and give access to registered(API key) users and only to datas what he want(I know it's not that simple).

We have our works too. We can configure on our laptop ,in mobile,what is important,what we want to notify.
Yesterday I built mining barge ,every hour I get in game email about end of mining cycle.
When this things are not important and is enough to deal with it once every day why are in game?Can be tick based too(I do not want). Emporium can work better,another thing on what can this helps.And many many others...
Thanks for read this. This is only idea,nothing else:) And can be stupid..:)