Email Notifications

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Lord Castellan Creed
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Email Notifications

Post by Lord Castellan Creed »

So, I've been away for an extended period once again, and during this time I'll admit that I've played a couple of other PBBG's / MMO's to pass the time. Whilst none of these have captivated me anywhere near as much as Core Exiles once did, I have however noticed one feature that I feel CE is missing out on.

Certain other games, when you recieve a ingame PM, they'll also email your registered email address to inform you that you've got a new message, along with the topic. Obviously you can turn this off in the settings if you're so inclined.

Now, I feel this has a number of advantages:
- It reminds a player that has a busy RL to log-in and check their account. Certainly in my case, if I had a message when my extractors expired then I would have probably logged in for at least half hour to fix them.
- It can allow quicker communication between members. If I knew I had a message waiting, it would be likely I'd login / reply as soon as possible.
- Messages from Coops could encourage players to login after a break. If you see a new feature or competition in the topic, you might be likely to login again.

Because obviously this comes as a cost (although emails are cheaper than they used to be, there still is some costs behind them), I'd totally get is this was a Premium Account bonus or another paid upgrade.

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Re: Email Notifications

Post by Coops »

My only real concern is the volume of emails some may get and the fact that we STILL have many players using bogus / dead email accounts. Not to mention the issue of players marking the emails as spam and causing us once again to get spam tagged by the big email systems. (this is of primary concern to us as its a never ending battle staying out of their spam filters). Once we start sending emails with the same content they will start getting tagged for spam fairly quickly.

Whilst i can see 'some' merit in this it may turn out to be a lot of work to verify addresses and creating filters for players to get what they want email wise and then only a handful use it.

But I'm listening if this has the backing of enough players.


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Re: Email Notifications

Post by Darakhoranon »

I don't really see the point of email-notifications anyway...

If I'm busy with RL (or just don't feel like playing a given game), notifications aren't going to change that. And if I like the game, I'll return anyway.

Besides, as Coops pointed out, notifications usually end up getting tagged as 'spam' anyway (either by the system or by me) - assuming I didn't just turn off any and all notifications as a matter of course...

So while this MIGHT be interesting for a few people, most people likely wouldn't give a damn in the first place. Considering how much work it would be to set it up without resulting in any and all mails sent by CE to be tagged as 'spam' (with all the problems that would create) and how few people would likely actually use it, I think this is something Coops could/should only work on if he really had nothing better to do... ;-)
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